Constipation Program for Children - The Health & Wellbeing Studio

Constipation Program for Children

The Health & Wellbeing Studio Constipation Program for Children is designed to uncover the underlying cause of constipation, and to restore balance to digestive health naturally. 


Constipation can be incredibly frustrating, both for child and parent. The experience can be painful and pose a negative impact on the health of your child. Constipation occurs when bowel movements become hard or dry, difficult or painful to pass, and occur less frequently than they should. There are many causes or contributing factors of constipation that result in the waste or stool (poo) traveling too slowly though the digestive tract, allowing the moisture to be reabsorbed into the body, causing the stool to become hard and dry.


How regular is regular?

Each individual is different, particularly in children, where their development, life stage, diet and level of physical activity. For example, it may be normal for breastfed babies to empty their bowels only once every 7-10 days, however an active child may empty their bowels several times a day.

Where constipation is present, and an excessive amount of time passes between bowel movements, stools may become more difficult to pass, and may cause pain, inflammation, toxic build up of wastes and disruption to the quality of your child’s intestinal environment. In severe cases where constipation has not been relieved, stools can become impacted, or impossible to pass naturally, and will require urgent medical intervention.


What should I look out for?

As children develop, they don’t always have the words or ability to communicate what they are feeling with you. Sometimes we have to navigate our way amongst the various ways that children CAN communicate with us by their behaviour and emotions.

Some common symptoms that you might notice in your child that may indicate constipation include the following, and you may also notice that these symptoms fade immediately after a stool has been passed:

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Straining when using their bowels
  • Fecal soiling (leakage due to fecal mass blocking rectum, or stretching of the associated muscles)
  • Stools that resemble pellets or ‘rabbit droppings’
  • Decreased appetite or early feeling of fullness or fussy eating
  • Irritability
  • Avoidance behaviours such as hiding or avoiding the toilet, back arching, toe-standing or rocking back and forward
  • Anal fissures (small cracks or cuts around the anus that are painful and may bleed)


What causes constipation?

There are many factors that can contribute to constipation in children. These include:

  • Dietary factors such as insufficient water or fibre intake, excessive intake of refined carbohydrates or dairy, or food intolerances, allergies or sensitivities.
  • Possible fear or anxiety around using the toilet such as the fear of falling into the toilet, going to the toilet at school or kinder, bodily functions or being alone.
  • Dealing with changes in their environment such as a new sibling, parental divorce, starting a new school or moving house.
  • Stressors such as bullying, illness or learning difficulties
  • Experiencing pain on defecation such as previous constipation or anal fissures (small cuts or tears around the anus) leading to the child avoiding using their bowels.
  • Avoidance where the child may withhold their need to use the toilet, as they are preoccupied or having fun.
  • Poor bowel tone whereby the muscles and nerves that are responsible to move the faeces through the bowel are not contracting well enough to eliminate the stool.
  • Secondary to other health conditions affecting digestion or bowel function.
  • Some medications and supplements such as antibiotics or iron supplements.


How naturopathy can help?
  • To establish the cause of the constipation by taking a thorough case history, relevant testing, dietary and lifestyle evaluation.
  • To provide an evidence based natural approach including supplementation if required, and dietary and lifestyle advice that is individually tailored to your child’s needs.
  • To provide ongoing education and advice to allow you to further support your child’s health.


What does our Constipation Program for Children include?

In order to help your practitioner understand how constipation is affecting your child, the commencement of the constipation program includes:

  • an initial consultation with a naturopath
  • relevant pathology testing
  • general health questionnaires

Your naturopath will then use this information to develop a tailored program that prioritises your child’s needs and will discuss with you natural treatment options that will benefit your child, this includes;

  • Dietary changes and recommendations
  • Lifestyle changes and recommendations
  • Evidence based supplementation

Once treatment has commenced, follow up consultations are scheduled to ensure you receive ongoing support. Your naturopath will also communicate with other health care practitioners such as a Children’s Coach and your child’s GP or pediatrician to ensure that your child receives the most holistic approach to their health.


Is this program right for you?

At the studio we want to ensure that our clients achieve the best result possible. We offer a 15 minute complimentary introductory consultation to ensure you are suitable for the program and provide you with all the necessary information so that you can make an informed decision that this program is right for you.


Extra info:

Duration – 6 weeks

Includes –

  • 5 x Naturopathic Consultations
  • 15 minute Introductory Workshop
  • Clients on this program receive 10% discount on supplements.
  • Pathology testing may be applicable, and the associated costs will be discussed at the first consultation if required.


Find out more:

Book a complimentary 15minute chat with a Naturopathic Practitioner

To request an information pack or to book please call reception on 1300 651 936 or email us at