Naturopathy Camberwell - Naturopathic and Allied Health Clinic


Our Naturopaths combine scientific understanding of health conditions, with evidenced based supplementation and advice, to treat both the underlying cause of illness and the presenting symptoms.

Naturopathy provides a holistic approach to health, taking into consideration the body, mind and emotions and how these elements interact with each other to affect bodily function. Modern Naturopathy is an integrative approach to health care; combining scientific understanding of diagnosis, disease processes, testing and bodily function with the belief that the body has an innate intelligence to maintain wellness, if given the right circumstance and conditions. As the cause of mind, body and emotional imbalance can vary from person to person, our Naturopathic Team emphasise the importance of developing and implementing individually tailored health plans. Find out more

Our Naturopathy Practitioners are degree qualified from Endeavour College of Natural Health and are registered with ATMSANTA and NHAA. Naturopathy appointments are available at our clinic in Camberwell and online.

Who can benefit from Naturopathy?

Naturopathic practitioners are often referred to where a detailed case history and dietary review is needed and specific dietary, lifestyle and supplementation advice is required to assist in the management of various health conditions, including.

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What makes us different?

Our Naturopaths prioritise the healthcare needs of their patients by suggesting they choose the treatments that are in the patients best interest, rather than choosing only those that themselves can provide. Importantly, our naturopaths recognise the limitations of natural therapies and take an integrative and collaborative approach to their patients health & wellbeing.

When needed they refer their patients to other medical and allied health care practitioners and if possible, recommend practitioners who are happy to see patients who want to continue natural remedies and treatments.

Book an Appointment

Bianca Potenta

Naturopath & Clinic Founder
Bree Jenner - Naturopath Camberwell

Bree Jenner


Our Naturopathy Practitioners are degree qualified from Endeavour College of Natural Health and are registered with ATMSANTA and NHAA.

Our Naturopathy Clinic is located in Camberwell, however practitioners also offer online appointments.

Not sure where to start?
Book a complimentary 15 minute chat!

If you aren’t sure what service best suits your needs, make a time to speak with our friendly health practitioners, obligation free!

Naturopath Bianca as seen on Foxtel and Channel 10. 

Find out more about Naturopath Bree and The Simple Lunchbox